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Melissa & Doug Standard Mine to Love Brianna 12-inch Soft Body Baby Doll With Hair and Outfit icon

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Herp Care Collection
Last update January 1, 2020

Herp and Green Iguana Data Collection

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Nigh Melissa Kaplan

Cover Image: Iguanas for Dummies.  Book written by Melissa Kaplan.
past Melissa Kaplan

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If you desire to dive right into the site to look for herp care information, find a reptile vet or a herp society, or bank check out the other information resources here, use the links on the left. Information virtually the site itself, nigh me, and another things some folks are interested in, check out data below.

The Blueish Iguana Recovery Fund helps fund ongoing conservation efforts in convenance-for-release, community education, and habitat conservation programs in the Cayman Islands for the endangered Cyclura lewisi . Assist back up their work by making direct donations, or buy one of their new Male monarch Blue Bobbleheads!

Also, check out a day in the life of a volunteer at the BIR facility doing noosing, measuring, behavior observations and more than

What does anapsid mean?
Many people wonder why I chose such a goofy/strange/dumb proper noun for my herp site. In one case you notice out what anapsid means, I trust you won't notice it so goofy, strange or dumb.

Email Addresses
To aid forestall malicious harvesting of email addresses from this site, I take encoded email addresses with an exclamation point and bare space (! ) after the @ (i.e., proper noun@! internet access or proper name@ !isp.30). To send email to those who have email links, you will demand to first remove the assertion signal and infinite. Read more about site rationale and accessibility...

Rights & Permissions
I reserve all rights to my work . uses my material with my permission and my thanks.

The Author and Her Writings
Equally volition become apparent when reading many of my articles, I am an brute welfarist . I strongly believe that if humans are going to keep animals--in any setting--nosotros have the responsibility, the obligation, to intendance for them properly. Unfortunately, care information for many species now existence imported is lacking, while information that exists for many others is then wrong that it would benefit those species if the information did not exist at all.

All new beast keepers make mistakes. I feel that it is the responsibleness of those who accept walked that path earlier to share as much information equally possible so that the newcomers will avoid the mistakes we fabricated. Hoarding information is as bad as hoarding animals. No one benefits, least of all the animals.

Some other personal point of view will also be seen to sally in many of my herp writings. This particular betoken of view stems from the things I have had to learn, often the difficult way, after existence stricken with with several illnesses, including those that impact my neuroendocrine and immune systems.

While the ways in which I was exposed to chemicals and tickborne diseases may be unique for someone who was for so long a strictly urban creature, the fact remains that I am far from unique in a world where every living thing has become a guinea grunter for the chemical stew which surrounds us every mean solar day and every night. Stress exacerbates all illness and tin make good for you people--and animals--ill. Animals in captivity are under abiding stress, even those kept in the almost perfect of environments. And then you will see me brand recommendations and cautions that are evidently contrary to everything else written past those who write about animal care. Few of those authors, still, share my own experience and learning in these areas. My bottom line is always the health and functioning of the animals and their keepers. That is why my Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases and Lyme Disease sites is are part of my Anapsid site.

Why Aid Support This Site?
I had to take my site down in 2001 because of new traffic (bandwidth) charges assessed by my Isp. The Earth Wide Web and surfing the 'Net may exist free other than someone paying an Isp for admission, but the WWW is anything but free for those providing content. Veterinarian Information Network stepped up and gave me a place to put my site back online, just there are still ongoing expenses that are tough to brand when you are unable to piece of work for a living. That's why I ready the Support This Site folio: a manner for herpers to get things they need while helping to proceed this site on the Web for everyone else to use.

Site Rationale, Graphics, and Accessibility
To a larger extent, my site format and pattern decisions are based on some things almost webmasters of individual sites don't take into consideration when designing theirs.

Site Rationale
This site is to help herp keepers and others learn most the captive care requirements of many types of reptiles and amphibians, as well as learn virtually their biological science, health, behavior, conservation, and other matters relating to herps and the world we all alive in.Most of the data hither is herpetological or herpetocultural in nature, including many of my articles and care documents, links to certain other sites, and another things that I notice of import just that may or may not interest you lot. Only that's the beauty of hypertext: y'all can always link out!

Delight have some time to familiarize yourself with the layout of this page and cluster pages At final count, there are over 1100 articles arranged in several thematic clusters. I do hope y'all will take some fourth dimension to scan through the cluster pages (see the links to your left, which also appear at the bottom of every article page).

Graphic Images
Many people note the paucity of graphic images at my site. That is intentional. Near visitors are thankful that they don't accept to wait for images to develop before they can go to the information or take to backtrack and turn images off in their browser and so remember to turn them back on again. Lesser line is that there are still a goodly number of folks out in that location without high-speed modems and graphics capabilities or boring phone lines with no DSL in sight. Whatever the reason, there is a pregnant number of people who don't desire to wait for graphics that take trivial to do with the discipline affair to load. At that place are many sites with wonderful graphics, so no 1 is being deprived. I've also received mail from some very phobic folks who were grateful they didn't accept to shudder through pictures of snakes to get to the articles they were interested in. If you want graphics, check the graphics sites linked to my Resource page.

Forth with maximizing the load time while notwithstanding providing comfortably readable formatted text, my 2d concern is to go along the site widely accessible. There are many websurfers out there who have autoimmune, visual or other disorders or impairments that make it incommunicable for them to employ newer computers, or hard to navigate a site with all the latest bells and whistles as well equally lots of cute graphics, photos, JAVA scripts, applets, etc.

While many webmasters address the differences between browsers and Mac vs. Windows, well-nigh seem not to realize or care near those still using older computers, or UNIX or Lynx.

In that location are a huge number of disabled people and others who simply cannot afford to upgrade their equipment as often equally they would like. Since my site is all about providing information, its format and design is geared towards being easy to access and read for every bit many people as possible.

Your Personal Information
Your personal data is not collected when you lot access the website and its subsections.

Mezuzah - click the image to find out what this is and what it signifies. alphabetize.html

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Green Iguanas & Cyclura





Nigh Melissa Kaplan


Lyme Illness


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� 1994-2014 Melissa Kaplan or as otherwise noted by other authors of articles on this site

Brought to you thanks to the good folks at Veterinary Information Network, Inc.

Melissa & Doug Standard Mine to Love Brianna 12-inch Soft Body Baby Doll With Hair and Outfit
