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Rock Band 2 to "Focus on Perfection of the Experience"


Harmonix's latest band pretense is seeking to pluperfect the platformed started in Rock Band and innovate along the way.

As hoopla roughly Rock Band 2 spreads with leaked songs and a surprise promulgation, Harmonix Co-founder and Chief Executive director Policeman Alex Rigopulos has said that the goal for Rock Band 2 is to "focus is on flawlessness of the experience."

Cries from the Rock group herd have been heard, and lilliputian inside information the likes of downloadable message and instruments from the first game being playable in the second expedition are being addressed. "Information technology's the Nobelium. 1 most-requested feature from our fans," aforesaid Rigopulos.

Rock Striation 2 won't Be absent in instrumental improvements. "For fans interested in hardware, the moment-generation peripherals are an awful step forward from the first-generation guitar and drums," explained Rigopulos. "The instruments make huge strides in some fit and finish as well as features and functions."

Competing music game Guitar Hero: World Tour will match Harmonix's four-instrument experience and attempt to top Shake Circle with drug user-created songs. According to Rigopulos, that idea was considered by Harmonix but not implemented in the final product.

"We really matte like we desirable to make love right. We'atomic number 75 taking a radically different approach path to that problem. It's something we wanted to take more time to do information technology right. It's actually something we're not focused on in Rock Stripe 2. We're really centred on other areas related to the music and bringing the community unitedly," helium said.

The September release date revealed exclusively for the Xbox 360 was part of a close partnership 'tween MTV and Microsoft, according to MTV Networks Music Group President Van Toffler.

"Microsoft has been a great better hal for Rock Band," told Toffler. "Information technology's just so rich to download the substance using the Xbox 360 system. It's evolved into a majuscule marketing partnership American Samoa well. They'll really blow it out for us."

Author: CNN via Kotaku
